Insights from our experts for a healthier you
Unlock the power of food with guidance from the leading minds in nutrition
"I was hesitant to share my story"
After just four months of working with Fuelin, Colleen got her period back! This was while she was training 20-22 hours a week in preparation for her first full Ironman. This was huge! Another bonus was that, with proper fueling, she remained injury-free despite the jump in volume and felt great during her entire training block.
Do I need to track my food intake?
Athletes often raise a question in Fuelin: "Do I have to track my food intake?”. It can be divisive amongst nutritionists and dieticians due to potential negative connotations associated with tracking The following article addresses why food tracking can be important to the success for an athlete achieving their purpose. The article also reviews the different styles of tracking that is possible through Fuelin.