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Just a quick, but big, shout out of thanks. I’ve been an Autopilot member, also following a beginner Half Distance Triathlon 36 Week Plan (masters), which ended on Sunday 14th July for Ironbourne (UK), my first event at this distance.

I thoroughly loved the process, and merely wanted to complete the event. My background is as a cyclist and my last few competitive events were extremely uncomfortable from a fuelling perspective as I simply couldn’t eat / drink enough or prepare properly in this respect. So I knew I needed to do something completely different to have a chance of completing. Enter Fuelin.

I prioritised compliance and apart from a couple of calf related injuries, never missed a session. I obsessively watched every Fuelin training tip video, logged every meal and worked out a solid pacing / fuelling strategy based on the helpful tests and the plan in the app.

I still can’t quite believe it, but I won my age group category F55-59 and the British Triathlon middle distance championship!

Not bad for a autopilot membership and my previous difficulties! The increased carbs before and the amount of fuel during the event were something else! But having practised it so many times I just went with it. The plan worked and I felt confident I was in safe hands and most importantly - thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you so much.

"The app is brilliant and I love the seamless integration with Training Peaks and ongoing development."

Thank you,

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